Inclusion of the share of Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC) in the ASE Composite Index
The ASE Indices Committee, on its session on December 17, 2001 and according to 8.3 (New Editions fast entry rule) of the Ground Rules for the Management & Calculation of the Price Indices of the Shares Market of the ASE, approved the inclusion of the share of Public Power Corporation to the ASE Composite Index and henceforth to the Total Return index. As stated by the rules, the number of the shares that participate in the Athens Composite Index will increase by one share until the next six-month review.
As of Thursday, December 20, 2001, the ASE Composite Index will be calculated upon 61 shares with the participation of the share of Public Power Corporation S.A.. The capitalization of the Public Power Corporation S.A. on the closing prices of December 17, 2001 represents to 4.31% of the total capitalization of the ASE Composite Index. This percentage is more than double the limit of the 2%, stated by the activation of the fast entry rule to the Ground Rules for the Management & Calculation of the Price Indices of the Shares Market of the ASE.