Hellenic Exchanges' company presentation in Herakleion Crete

Continuing its programme of communication with investors, HELEX management with the support of Capital Link conducted a company presentation in Herakleion - Crete on Tuesday, November 12th 2002.

Ms Joanne Michelis and Mr. Dimitris Papageorgopoulos referred to the company's shareholder and Group structure and to the operation of the stock and derivatives markets, from which the greatest part of the Group's revenue is derived. Furthermore, the Group's financial data and its basic financial indices were analysed.

Data was presented for foreign listed exchanges, as far as their revenue structure, their financial indices and their capitalisation are concerned in relation to those of HELEX.

In addition, the company's future prospects, its strategy, the privatisation that is being sought after and the operational reorganisation that is about to take place were analysed. The advantages that the central counter-party will bring about for the Hellenic capital market were specifically mentioned. Finally, emphasis was given to the efforts made for the promotion of European and international co operations with the Hellenic exchange.