General Meeting Resolutions

KRI-KRI MILK INDUSTRY S.A. announces that its Shareholders' Extraordinary General Meeting, which convened at the registered offices of the company in Serres, approved unanimously the following resolutions:

1. The share capital increase of the company by the amount of EUR 3,456,129.60 through: a) the capitalization of the reserve amounting EUR 456,129.60 resulting from the revaluation of fixed assets, b) the capitalization of the special reserve amounting EUR 3,000,000 that resulted from a Share premium account with an increase of the par value of the company's shares by EUR 0.77, i.e. from EUR 1.23 to EUR 2.00 each. A decrease in the par value of the company's shares followed, by EUR 1.00, i.e. from EUR 2.00 to EUR 1.00 each with a simultaneous increase of their total number of shares (twice as big), i.e. with the issue of 4,488,480 new common-dematerialized-registered shares without a change of the share capital of the company with a view to distribute to shareholders 1 bonus share for each 1 old share (split). In addition, the EGM authorized the Board of Directors of the company to set the Holder-of -Record date for the distribution of the new bonus shares.

2. The modification of Article 5 (re: share capital) of the company's Charter, according to the above.