General Commerce & Industrical Co. S.A. signed an agreement with National Bank of Greece S.A. for the issue of a corporate bond loan amounting EUR 3,000,000.

GENERAL COMMERCΙAL & INDUSTRIAL CO. S.A. informs the investing public that it signed today an agreement with National Bank of Greece for the issue of a corporate bond loan amounting EUR 3,000,000. Specifically, the issue of the loan will take place on 01.03.2006 with National Bank of Greece S.A. as the sole bondholder lender.

Thus, the issue of bond loans has been completed, according to the provisions of L.3156/03 and L.2190/1920, amounting totally EUR 15,000,000, which entitle bondholders the right to receive interest, with a duration of five years, in simple bonds, with a view to refinance the short-term loans of the company and to finance part of the investment related to the development of a new warehouse-logistics center.