FY 2005 dividend payment to Hellenic Certificate holders of FHL MERMEREN KOMBINAT AD

Piraeus Bank S.A., in its quality of Issuer of Hellenic Certificates (EL.PIS.) for the shares of the company FHL Mermeren Kombinat AD (the "Company") with registered office in Prilep, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), notifies EL.PIS. holders that, by resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company dated May 11, 2006, the dividend for the fiscal year 2005 amounts to EURO 0.60 (sixty cents) per share, and after tax deduction (pursuant to article 59, Law 2396/1996) to EURO 0.4588 per EL.PIS. It is reminded that eligible to receive dividend are EL.PIS. holders of record on the closing trading session of the Athens Stock Exchange on Monday June 26, 2006. As of Tuesday June 27, 2006, EL.PIS. shall be traded on the ATHEX ex-dividend for the fiscal year 2005. The dividend shall be paid on July 5, 2006 by "PIRAEUS BANK S.A.", as follows:
1. Through the operators in the Dematerialised Securities System, pursuant to articles 329 of the ATHEX Regulation, and 39 of the Central Securities Depository Regulation.
2. Through the branch network of Piraeus Bank, for shareholders who have requested the exception of their operator or the Central Securities Depository (exception must be requΦested at least five business days prior to the dividend payment date).
3. As of Tuesday July 11, 2006 through the branch network of "PIRAEUS BANK S.A." for shareholders who, for various reasons, fail to collect the dividend as above.

In the above cases 2 and 3, shareholders may collect the dividend until 31-12-2011 by producing the "Certificate of Beneficiary of Bearer Shares Dividend" and their Identification Card, either in person or with a legally authorized representative. For more information, EL.PIS. holders may contact the Retail Operations Support Section (Ms. Tsakiri, tel. 210 - 328 54 46, Ms. Evaggeliou, tel. 210 - 328 82 28, Ms. Semitekolou, tel. 210 - 328 85 37).