Fiscal Year 2005 Ex-dividend date

The company ALPHA TRUST ANDROMEDA-INVESTMENT TRUST S.A. announced today that according to the resolution that its Shareholders' Ordinary General Meeting took on 08.03.2006, the dividend for the fiscal year 2005 (apart from the interim dividend paid of EUR 0.07) amounts to EUR 0.14 per share. Beneficiaries of the fiscal year 2005 dividend are Messrs. Shareholders, whose names will appear on the Shareholders' Register of the company on 09.03.2006 (at the close of the ATHEX's trading session), i.e.shareholders registered on 15.03.2006. As from 10/03/2006 (ex-dividend date), the shares of the company will be traded on the Athens Exchange ex-dividend of fiscal year 2005. The payment of the aforesaid dividend will take place on 20.03.2006 and will be carried out via National Bank of Greece S.A.(NBG).

For further information, Messrs. shareholders may contact the company's Shareholders' Department (contact person: Mrs.Konstantina Ganetsou at +210-62.89.200) or the Dividends' Distribution Department of NBG (contact person: Mr.Elia Demetriou at +210-33.40.613, 615, fax: +210-33.40.633).