First Session for the Year - Cutting of New Year's Cake

Athens, 04 January 2016


First Session for the Year

Cutting of New Year's Cake


The formal opening of the first session for 2016 was held this morning with the cutting of the New Year's Cake.

Mr  Charalambos Gotsis, Chair of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Mr Theodoros Fessas, President of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), Mr  Spyros Kyritsis, President of the Association of Members of ATHEX (SMEXA) , Mr  Panagiotis Drakos, Chair of the Steering and Executive Committee of the Association of Listed Companies, Mr  Theodoros Krintas, Vice-President of the Association of Institutional Investors, Ms Sofia Kounenaki-Efremoglou, Vice-Chair of the Board of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council  (HCGC) and Treasurer of the Board of SEV, Mr  Giannis Polychroniou, President of the Association of Securities Brokerage Firms, Mr  Panagiotis Alexopoulos, President of the Greek Association of Certified Analysts, and Mr  Charalambos Egglezos, President of the Association of Internet Investors extended their warmest wishes for the New Year. Members of the entire stock exchange community of Greece attended the formal opening. According to Greek tradition a coin is placed in the New Year's cake and the person who finds it is considered blessed and lucky. This year the coin was found in the piece sliced for Ms Kounenaki-Efraimoglou.

In his brief welcome speech, the President of ATHEX Group, Mr  Iakovos Georganas, said: "Provided that political stability will continue and the agreement entered into with our partners will be effectively implemented, it would be justified to anticipate in 2016 a take-off of the market and positive growth rates for the Greek economy and, therefore, a significant increase in the prices of shares and bonds."

In his short speech, Mr  Charalambos Gotsis referred to the work performed by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission for the successful recapitalization of the banks, to the developments that have taken place in Europe for the completion of the Banking Union and the application of MiFiD II, as well as to matters related to the current economic policy. In particular, he noted: "Because our national economy will enter a virtual circle starting this Spring, all of us, both institutions and businesses, must be ready to offer solutions promoting growth. The Hellenic Capital Market Commission will exhaust all possibilities so that, together with the Athens Exchange or the ministries with shared responsibility in this area, it can make it easier for businesses to raise funds, as well as offer to investors new ways to invest their money."

Mr  Theodoros Fessas stated: "2015 saw a halt in the growth potential we had foreseen during the first few days of last year. We experienced very strongly the negative impact the political developments had on the economy and stock indexes.  The positive development of the year that ended has been that Greece has managed to secure its position as member of the Euro Area. This year we must focus all our efforts and endeavors on attracting significant investments that will guarantee the growth of the economy and take Greece out of the crisis once and for good."

Mr  Sokratis Lazaridis, CEO of ATHEX Group underlined that: "2015 was the year in which the market showed a strong defense by efficiently handling new challenges, such as the capital control measures, and at the same time it was confirmed that this success has been the result of the efficient cooperation between all market players. Also, the market implemented successfully new regulatory arrangements, such as η EMIR, and raised the profile of companies which, given the successful financial course they were on, also stood out in the exchange market, such as the companies in the Fundamental and Mid Cap indexes.

Our goal for 2016 is to work together with all participants towards the very desired financing of businesses by creating a balanced model for the allocation of funds as well as for attracting fresh funds from international investors. However, it remains our constant concern to maintain a competitive and safe environment for transaction processing compatible with international practices and in line with the European framework."


Is attached the press release of the event.



Opening Bell Ceremony

Mr. Iakovos Georganas President ASE Group and Mr. Charalampos Gotsis, Chairman Committee Kefalaiagoras

Mr. Iakovos Georganas President ASE Group and Mr. Theodoros Fessas, Chairman of SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises)

Mr. Iakovos Georganas President ASE Group and Mr. Sokratis Lazaridis, CEO of Athens Ecxhange Group

Highlit of the event
Ms. Sophia Kounenaki Efraimoglou