Financial Statements for the 3rd quarter 2013

PPA SA showed an increase by 19.1% of profit after tax in the 9-month-period of 2013 compared to the corresponding period January - September 2012.

Profit before tax amounted to € 9.503.085,07 and profit after tax € 8.101.772,40, compared to 6.802.919,16 of 2012.

Turnover rose slightly and stood at € 81.875.864 against81.692.411 in 2012.

Operating expenses for the period decreased by 3,57% compared to 2012, while the actual reduction in payroll costs is 9,95%.

Consumables fell by 7.03%, the same depreciation by 4.94%.

Cash and cash equivalent of the company amounted to € 22.891.650 in 30.09.2013 compared to € 14.662.472 in 2012, an increase of 56.1%.

As the Chairman and CEO of PPA SA George Anomeritis commented "despite the ongoing crisis in the field of maritime transport, PPA S.A., as was foreseen, is undergoing another profitable use, the fourth consecutive profitable use after 2009. With projects in progress € 890 million (PCT projects, cruise, car - terminal, NSRF, Cultural Coast etc.) predicts increased turnover and profits for 2013 and 2014".