Financial Results for the First Half 2006
In tandem with initial estimates, ALUMIL Group presents clear upward financial trends for the 6M period of 2006: outstanding growth in sales and earnings terms and - for the first time the past three years - positive operational cash flows. Growth cornerstones remain international markets and significant value added products. In particular, applying aggressive commercial policy and growth limitation on inventories, ALUMIL Group presented a 28.3% sales increase for 1H 2006, reaching Euro 109.8 m., compared to Euro 85.6 m., in 1H 2005. Increase stemmed mainly from international markets, from thermal brake and industrial profiles sales, as well as from automation systems, shading systems, polycarbonate sheets and composite panels. EBITDA reached Euro 19.7 m., posting a 39% increase, compared to Euro 14.17 m. in 1H 2005. Earnings before taxes jumped at Euro 5.4 m., a 70.8% increase yoy, compared to 1H 2005 results (Euro 3.16 m.). Group earnings - after taxes and minority interests - over passed 4.2 m. presenting an outstanding growth of 78% approximately, compared to 1H 2005 (Euro 2.36 m.). Earnings per share (EPS) consequently reached 0.19 from 1H 0.11. A clear cost containment strategy is followed by the very beginning of 2006; operational expenses' margins, compared to sales, fell down to 17.3% from 19.3%. Operational cycle was managed under the pre mentioned scope, leading among other things, to significantly limited inventories growth. As a result, Euro 0.9 m. positive operational cash flows were created, compared to the negative result of Euro -31.8 m. in 1H 2005. Group investments reached Euro 12.5 m. approximately; Euro 0.5 m. headed to subsidiary in Albania, for machinery and equipment, Euro 0.6 m. headed to subsidiary in Bulgaria for warehouses, Euro 5 m. to subsidiary ALUFIL in Kilkis, Greece for special, anodizing - special aluminium profiles surface treatment - machinery and equipment. Finally, in Xanthi, Greece - subsidiary ALUNEF - Euro 3.2 m. were headed for buildings and production lines. Regarding parent company results, sales posted a 23.7% growth, to Euro 90.4 m. for 1H 2006, compared to Euro 72.9 m. in 1H 2005. EBITDA reached Euro 10.26 m., falling down 10.8%, (Euro 11.5 m. in 1H 2005). Earnings before taxes jumped at Euro 3.8 m., a 59.6% increase yoy, compared to 1H 2005 results (Euro 2.4 m.). Earnings after taxes and minority interests increased significantly, partly due to lower depreciation expenses: Euro 2.6 m., compared to Euro 1.1 m. in 1H 2005 period, an outstanding boost of about 138%. ALUMIL is ranked among the largest aluminium extrusion and profiles production private European group (No 1 in Greece since 2000) establishing production sites, large sales networks and warehouses for products targeting architectural & industrial use, shipbuilding, transportation, etc. With 25 subsidiaries, 19 of which are spread throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, ALUMIL offers production sites in four Hellenic industrial areas, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Albania. ALUMIL has successf ully infiltrated into 45 markets in Europe, the Balkans, the M. East and in the U.S.A. A significant competitive advantage remains its widespread sales network in Greece and in every client-country. Parent company was founded in 1988 and since 1998 is listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Included four times in GrowthPlus' Europe's 500, ALUMIL's Group sales reached Euro 190 m in 2005, while EBITDA reached Euro 32 m. Alumil Information: Mr. Apostolos Papadopoulos-Almeida (IR officer), Tel. +30 2310 555405, + 30 23410 79480, Fax: +30 2310 555425, E-mail: