Financial Results 9M 2003
At the same time, the EBITDA, in consolidated level, amounted to 4,882 million euros, towards 4,016 millions for the last year's same period, indicating an increase of 21,55%. The consolidated Turnover of the company amounted to 17,519 million euros, towards 14,266 millions of last year's nine month period, increased by 22,80%.
For the examinant period, the Earnings Before Taxes of the mother company amounted to 3,412 million euros towards 2,761 millions of the prior year, presenting an increase of 23,57%. Respectively, the EBITDA was 4,605 million euros towards 3,731 millions, increased by 23,42%, while turnover amounted to 16,310 million euros, instead of 2002 nine month period 13,14 millions, increased by 24,11%.
It is especially noticed the significant increase of KRI-KRI exports (85,40%) for the nine month period, where they have been amounted to 1,545 million euros. From that scope, impressive is the increase of the exports to EU countries , where from 54.552 euros, amounted to 664.804 euros this year, while the sales to other countries amounted to 881.127 euros, towards 779.278 the 2002 nine month period.
In fact, the export sales of the Listed Company, obtain continuously year to year more share of the total Turnover. More specifically, during this year's nine month period the share was in percentage 9,47% to the total turnover, towards 6,6% of 2002. It must be noticed that during 1997 the export activity of KRI-KRI was 2% of the total sales.
According to the management of KRI-KRI, this significant increase of exports, is due mainly to the support of one of the main strategic goals of the company which is the expansion to the Balkans, as well as due to the successful cooperation with big foreigner companies. Regarding the region of Balkans, the sales of the subsidiary KRI-KRI DOO KUMANOVO in FYROM are increasing continuously so much to the local market as well as to other neighboring countries such as Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia. It is also no ted that KRI-KRI S.A. serves to more than 2.500 ice cream point of sales and 1.000 dairy products point of sales in the same region.
Rather than to keep up the upward trend of it's exports, the company is searching new markets so much to countries of EU as well as to other countries.