Financial improvement, decrease of loans and expenses in 2005

Peania, March 28th, 2006 - Lavipharm achieved a significant improvement of the year end 2005 financial results, due to its spectacular increase of EBITDA and significant decrease of all expenses. More specifically, and according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), consolidated turnover in 2005 was 233.2 million euro compared to 237.8 million euro in 2004. EBITDA amounted to 20.5 million euro from 23.9 million euro in the corresponding period of 2004. Nonetheless, these are not like - to - like figures, as the capital gains from the sale of the 49% of "Lavicosmetica S.A." posted in 2004, are not included this year. Taking that into account, 2005 consolidated EBITDA increased by 101% compared to 2004. Moreover, the consolidated EBT amounted to 6.6 million euro compared to 10.6 million euro in 2004. Accordingly, earnings after taxes and before minority interests reached 3.2 million euro in 2005 from 2.5 million euro in 2004, posting an increase of 28%. Regarding other figures of the consolidated balance sheet, a significant decrease of loans and expenses is worth noticing. More specifically, long term liabilities amounted to 15.8 million euro and short term to 170.9 million euro at the end of 2005, decreasing by 37.1% and 11.2% respectively compared to 2004. Lavipharm Group's total loans showed a significant decrease of 30.1 million euro or 24.5% compared to 2004. Additionally, administrative expenses dropped by 10.4% and distribution expenses were reduced by 12.8% compared to 2004. Regarding the financial results of the listed company Lavipharm S.A., turnover amounted to 54.9 million euro, while EBITDA was 9.8 million euro compared to 20 million euro in 2004. Nonetheless, as in the case of the consolidated financial results, the parent company's 2004 results show capital gains from the sale of the 49% of "Lavicosmetica S.A.". If this amount is subtracted, for comparability reasons, a remarkable increase of EBITDA of 55.6% is shown. Earnings after taxes amounted to 2.5 million euro which, although compressed account for 4.6% of the turnover. The parent company achieved also a decrease of liabilities and operational expenses. More specifically, operational expenses decreased by 18.8% and the total obligations dropped by 19.9%. It is worth mentioning that loans were decreased significantly by 27.0 million euro or 39.5%. Based on the results of the fiscal year 2005 of the Group and the listed company, the Chairman and CEO of Lavipharm, Dr. Athanase Lavidas noted: "Lavipharm invests with consistency in its organic growth. This strategic decision is already bearing fruits. Holding this pace, we continue our efforts as the prospects for Lavipharm are enormous". Lavipharm is an integrated pharmaceutical Group of Companies engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and distribution of pharmaceutical, dermocosmetic and healthcare products in Greece with strong international activity.