The Executive Committee of EFG Eurobank Ergasias is strengthened with new executives
The new General Managers and members of the Executive Committee are:
George Alvertis
George Georgiou
Victor Pisante
Iasmine Ralli
Paula Hadjisotiriou
It is reminded that, within the framework of the recent organisational restructuring of the Bank, Mr. K. Nasikas and Mr. S. Papaderos, who participated in the Executive Committee, will assume new duties as Management Consultants to the Bank, at the beginning of the New Year.
Besides the new members stated above, the following are also members of the Executive Committee: Messrs X. Nickitas, Chairman of EFG Eurobank Ergasias, N. Nanopoulos, Chief Executive Officer, B. Ballis, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, N. Karamouzis, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Ch. Komiopoulos, General Manager H. Kyrkos, General Manager, and N. Pavlides, General Manager.