Evaluation of Primary Dealers' performance in the Greek government bond

The ranking of the Primary Dealers on the basis of their activity in the Greek government bond market in December 2002 is as follows:

1. National Bank of Greece
2. Piraeus Bank
3. HSBC Bank plc
4. EFG Eurobank-Ergasias
5. Merrill Lynch International
6. ING Bank NV
7. JP Morgan Securities Ltd
8. Morgan Stanley & Co. International Ltd
9. San Paolo-IMI Bank
10. Lehman Brothers International (Europe)
11. Salomon Brothers International Ltd
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Alpha Bank
14. Goldman Sachs International Ltd
15. BNP Paribas
16. CSFB (Europe) Ltd
17. UBS AG
18. Commercial Bank

In the period January-December 2002, the Primary Dealers are ranked as follows:

1. National Bank of Greece
2. EFG Eurobank-Ergasias
3. Alpha Bank
4. Piraeus Bank
5. JP Morgan Securities Ltd
7. HSBC Bank plc
8. Commercial Bank
9. BNP Paribas
10. Salomon Brothers International Ltd
11. ING Bank NV
12. Morgan Stanley & Co. International Ltd
13. Goldman Sachs International Ltd
14. Lehman Brothers International (Europe)
15. Merrill Lynch International
16. CSFB (Europe) Ltd
17. Deutsche Bank AG
18. San Paolo-IMI Bank