Establishment of subsidiary company in Cyprus
In the frame of the obligations of listed companies on the Athens Exchange, provided for by Article 4 of decision under ref. number 5/204/14.11.2000 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, it is announced that the company under the trade name "INTRALOT S.A. - INTEGRATED LOTTERY SYSTEMS AND SERVICES", proceeded to the establishment of its 100% subsidiary, "INTRALOT Holdings International Ltd.", having its registered offices in Nicosia, Cyprus, which is going to constitute the corporate platform of INTRALOT's Group subsidiaries in South East Europe and the Middle East.
The initial share capital of "INTRALOT Holdings International Ltd." amounts to 852,300 Euros divided into an equal number of shares with a nominal value of euro 1 each. The Company's main area of activities, as a holding company, is the participation in the share capital of companies of the same or similar to INTRALOT's activities. To that end, INTRALOT's shares in companies abroad and in particular all its shares in the companies "Lotrom S.A.", "Yugolot d.o.o.", "Bilot EOOD", "Intralot International Ltd." and "Lebanese Games SAL" will be transferred to the aforementioned company.