EGM of EFG Eurobank Ergasias approves Ergoinvest merger

The Extraodrinary General Meeting of the shareholders of EFG Eurobank Ergasias on the merger of the Bank with the closed - end fund "Ergoinvest S.A."' was held today. The meeting approved the draft agreement of the merger by absorption of ‘‘Ergoinvest S.A.'' by EFG Eurobank Ergasias.

The merger will be effected through the unification of the assets and liabilities of the two merging entities, on the basis of the merger balance sheets of 7.11.2002. The share exchange ratio, as approved by the meeting, is 9 shares of ‘‘Ergoinvest S.A.'' for 1 share of EFG Eurobank Ergasias. In addition, the EGM approved the issue of new shares as a result of the merger, with parallel cancellation of an equal number of own shares held in Treasury and acquired through the Bank's share buy-back programme, in order for the total number of shares of the Bank in issue to remain unchanged. At the same time, a modification of the nominal share value from ? 2.76 to ? 2.89 was decided.

The merger will be completed following the approval of the draft merger agreement by the general meeting of the shareholders of ‘‘Ergoinvest S.A.'' and the relevant registration in the Registry of Companies Limited by Shares, which is expected within about 6 weeks.

It is noted that the shareholders of ‘‘Ergoinvest S.A.'', as shareholders of EFG Eurobank Ergasias are entitled to the Bank's dividend for the fiscal year 2002