Dividend Announcement Cut / Payment for the Fiscal Year 2012
Dividend Announcement Cut / Payment for the Fiscal Year 2012
E.Y.A.Th S.A. announces the following: In effect of the article of the Athens Stock Exchange Rule Book and according to the decision of the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders on the 28th of June 2013, the dividend for the fiscal year 2012 is €0.162 per share, which according to the article 14 of the Law 3943/2011, is subject to a tax withhold of 25% and as such the net amount paid of the dividend per share is finalised at €0.121.
Dividend cut date is the 16th of August 2013. From that date the Company shares will be traded in the ASE without the right of dividend payment.
Record date for the dividend beneficiaries is the 20th of August 2013. According to the ASE Rule Book, the company actions since 1.1.2009 take place based on the "record date" rule. Under the new rule, beneficiaries of the dividend are the shareholders which are registered in the registry files during the above settled "record date".
Payment date of the dividend is the 26th of August 2013 from the payment bank EFG EUROBANK Ergasias accordingly:
1. Through the registry file users, to those shareholders which have given authorization for the dividend payment to their users.
2. Through the branch network of EFG EUROBANK Ergasias, for those shareholders that keep their shares in the special account of the registry or have not given or have revoked the relevant proxy towards the registry users.
3. For those shareholders that was not, for various reasons, possible the credit through their users, will be able to receive the dividend, either the shareholders or their legal proxies in the ΕFG EUROBANK Ergasias across the whole network branch, showing their ID or the relevant proxy form, certified as to the accuracy of the signature by a Public Authority.
Dividends that will not be received within five years (5) will be barred in favor of theGreekState.
For more information the Shareholders can apply to the Shareholders Office and Company Announcements of the Company (tel. 2310 286613).