Disclosure for the approval and the distribution of dividend from the profits of the fiscal year 2005 of the company TECHNICAL OLYMPIC S.A.

The company TECHNICAL OLYMPIC S.A discloses, that, according to a decision of the Regular General Assembly of its shareholders of the 6/29/2006, has been approved the distribution of dividend, of a total amount of 2.650.00 euros (0,02 euros per share) from the profits of the use 2005. Eligible for the receipt of the above dividend are the company's shareholders during the closing of the Stock Exchange's conference of the 6/30/2006. Since Monday, 3 July 2006, the company's shares will be traded in the Stock Exchange without the right of receipt of the above dividend. The 11th July 2006 has been set as an opening date for the payment of the dividend to the shareholders, which will be realized for the whole country through the branches of the EFG Eurobank Ergasias. The dividend will be paid from 7/11/2006 until 12/31/2006 by the Bank EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A with the following ways: 1. By their operators in the Dematerialized Securities System, for the ones who have provided their brokers with a relevant authorization of collection and according to the new distribution procedure, as set in the articles 329 of the Stock Exchange Regulation and 39 of the Central Securities Depository. 2. Through the branches of the EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A for the holders that have not provided their brokers with a relevant authorization, or keep their shares in a special account investor part or in investor parts of investors that did not appear. 3. For the ones of the investors that, for any reason, will not be able to collec t their dividend through their brokers, according to the above case 1, until the 7/18/2006, the collection of the dividend will be possible through the EFG Eurobank Ergasias Bank's establishments since the above date. The collection of the dividend for the cases 2 and 3 will be realized with the presentation of the Identity Card of the shareholder, while the payment to a third person is realized with the presentation of any authorization, validated for the authenticity of the shareholder's signature by police or other suitable authority. After the 12/31/2006, the payment to the shareholders of the dividend for the fiscal year 2005 will be realized through the cash desk of the company, at the address 20 Solomou str., Alimos, Attica, after their previous communication with the Stockholders Relations Department (person in charge Mr. Georgios Pitsinos, Tel.: +30 210 9977000, Fax: +30 210 +99555856).