We would like to inform you that the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of the company Petros Petropoulos AEBE was held today, 16 April 2014, at 12:00 hours at the company's offices at 96 Iera Odos St.
Company shareholders representing 5.407.259 shares were present or represented at the Meeting, a figure which accounts for 77,26% of paid-up share capital and consequently the General Meeting was validly met and had a quorum to examine all items on the agenda.
Item 1: The reports of the Board of Directors and company auditors relating to activities in the management period 1/1 - 31/12/2013 were approved. The Annual financial statements for the period ended 31/12/2013 were also approved.
Item 2: It was decided to release members of the Board of Directors and auditors from all liability to pay compensation for the period 1/1 - 31/12/2013.
Item 3: All manner of fees for members of the Board of Directors for the 2013 fiscal year were approved and advance approval was given for fees for Board of Directors members for 2014.
Item 4: It was decided to elect ordinary and deputy auditors for the 2014 fiscal year following a recommendation from the Audit Committee, and their fees were set.
Item 5: The Meeting approved a programme of purchase of own shares up to an amount of 5% company shares, over a period of 24 months at a minimum price of €0.5 and a maximum price of € 6 per share.
Item 6: Permission was granted in line with Article 23(1) of Codified Law 2190/1920 to members of the Board of Directors and company directors to participate in the Boards of Directors or management of other companies in the Group which pursue similar or related objectives.
All the said decisions were unanimously taken by 77,26% of the share capital, in other words by votes 5.407.259 in favour and 0 votes against.