Decisions of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting

In order to update the investing public, we would like to announce that at the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of our company''s shareholders that took place on Wednesday, 12.06.2006, 16:00, at the company''s main offices located at 9 Kyprou Road, Moschato, Attiki, in which were present and represented 54 shareholders, who own 32.543.353 of a total of 60.617.358 shares, i.e. a percentage of 53.69 % of the company''s paid over equity capital, the following decisions were made:
1. Approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements for the period of 7/1/2005 to 6/30/2006.
2. Approval of the distribution of the 2005/2006 period dividend, for the amount of twenty three cents of a euro (Euro 0,23) per share, the total sum of which is Euro 13.941.992,34. Beneficiaries of the dividend are those who will be shareholders of our company upon the closing of the Athens Stock Exchange session of 12.22.2006. As of the next day, i.e. as of 12.27.2006, the company''s shares will be negotiated without the right to a period dividend. The distribution of the dividend will start on 01.05.2007, through the paying bank "EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A.".
3. Exemption of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Accountants from any liability on the period closed.
4. Election of new chartered accountants for the new accounting period.
5. Final approval of the Board of Directors fees for the fiscal period from 01.07.2005 to 30.06.2006.
6. Preliminary approval of the Board of Directors fees for the fiscal period from 01.07.2006 to 30.06.2007.
7. Decided the issuing of an art. 6 law 3156/2003 Common Bonded Loan up to the amount of Euro 125,000,000 and granted an authority to the Board of Directors to define its particular terms.
8. Information of the shareholders for the current issues