Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders

The Annual General Shareholder's Meeting of Attica Holdings S.A. took place today 17th May, 2006. During the meeting shareholders holding 71,683,813 shares, 68.81% out of 104,173,680 common bearer shares were present. The AGM decided on the following:
1. Approved the annual financial accounts and the annual consolidated financial accounts for the year 2005 as well as the report of the Board of Directors. (100% votes in favour).
2. Discharged the Board of Directors and the Certified Auditors from any responsibility for the year 2005 (100% votes in favour).
3. Approved the distribution of profits and payment of dividend amounting to Euro 8,333,894.40 or Euro 0.08 per share. Entitled to the dividend are the shareholders at the end of Stock Exchange's trading session on Thursday 29th June, 2006. Effective Friday 30th June, 2006, shares will be trading ex-dividend. The payment of the dividend shall begin on Monday 10th July, 2006 (100% votes in favour).
4. Approved the Directors' fees (100% votes in favour).
5. Appointed Mr. Athos Stylianou of DRM STYLIANOU S.A., member firm of RSM International as Certified Auditor for the year 2006 (100% votes in favour).
6. Elected a new Board of Directors with the following members: Pericles S. Panagopulos, Alexander P. Panagopulos, Charalambos N. Zavitsanos, Yannis B. Criticos, Constantine E. Stamboulelis, Charalambos S. Paschalis and as independent non-executive members Messrs. Dimitrios I. Klados and Emmanouil E. Kalpadakis. (99.6% votes in favour)
7. Approved the increase of the share capital of the Company by the amount of Euro 31,252,104 with the increase of par value from Euro 0.90 to Euro 1.20 through capitalization of part of share premium reserves and the decrease of the share capital by the amount of Euro 62,504,208 with the reduction in the par value of the shares from Euro 1.20 to Euro 0.60, or Euro 0.60 per share, for a capital return to shareholders in cash. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to undertake all necessary actions for the above as per the regulations of the Athens Exchange (100% votes in favour).