Decisions of the 7th Annual Regular General Meeting

The Company in accordance with the article 278 of Regulation of Athens Exchange announces that on Friday 1/6/2007 took place in its headquarters the 7th Annual Regular General Meeting of shareholders of PPA S.A. In the General Meeting were present 20 shareholders representing 18.590.641 shares out of 25.000.000 shares or percentage 74,37% of issued share capital. The regular General Meeting after discussion took the following decisions:
- Approved the annual Financial Statements of the 7th corporate use from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006, accompanied by the Board of Directors Annual Report and the Auditor's Report.
- Discharged the Members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any responsibility for indemnification in relation to the 7th corporate use.
- Approved the distribution of the annual profits and a dividend of Euro 0,16 per share for the corporate use of 2006. Dividends are entitled to the Company's shareholders as at the end of the Athens Exchange session of Thursday 19/7/2007. Ex-dividend date is Friday 20/7/2007. As from that date, the company's shares will be traded at the A.S.E without a dividend right. The dividend shall be paid on 30/7/2007 by EFG EUROBANK Ergasias bank S.A.
- Elected the auditing firm P.K.F. EYROELEGKTIKI SA CERTIFIED AUDITOR ACCOUNTANTS for the audit of the 8th corporate use (1/1-31/12/2007), with regular auditor Mr Kofopoulos Charalampos of Demetrios (SOEL MEMBER No: 13701) and as his surrogate Mr Alexandros Sfarnas of Petros (SOEL MEMBER No: 14841) and also approved the auditing company's fee.
- Approved the remunerations and compensations of the Board of Directors members for the year 2006, according to the article 24 paragraph 2 of Law 2190/1920, as it is in force and pre-approved their remunerations-compensations for the corporate use 2007.
- Approved the modification of BoD members' compensation for their participation to meetings, up to the most three times per month, without an increase of the compensation per meeting.
- Ratified the election of Mr. George Galliakis as an independent member of the Board of Directors, who replaced the resigned member Christos Gonis, for the rest of his term, namely until 28-5-2009.