Decision of the Repetitive General Assembly
The repetitive meeting of the General Assembly took place on 21/03/2012 with the participation of 12 shareholders, holding 55.871.945 shares and voting rights, equal to 64.428% of the total share capital. The General Assembly achieved the quorum required by the Law in order to discuss and decide on the sole issue of the agenda: “Issuance and distribution through private placement, according to the provisions of C.L. 2190/1920 and Law 3156/2003, to ETHNIKI BANK, EUROBANK, ALPHA BANK, of a common paper Bond Loan of total nominal value of up to 164.000.000,00 euros and granting of collaterals. Approval of the Board of Directors' actions and authorisation granting in order to negotiate, determine and decide the rest of the terms and agreements of the Issuance Plan of the aforementioned Bond Loan and its collaterals”.
The General Assembly having achieved the above mentioned quorum:
Decided (100,00% in favour) for the Issuance and distribution through private placement, according to the provisions of C.L. 2190/1920 and Law 3156/2003, to ETHNIKI BANK, EUROBANK, ALPHA BANK, of a common paper Bond Loan of total nominal value of up to 164.000.000,00 euros and granting of collaterals. The Common Bond Loan will be used as follows: i) Refinancing of the existing Bond Loan of 144.000.000 euros, ii) Refinancing of the existing short-term borrowings of 9.000.000,00 euros, and iii) the remaining amount of 11.000.000,00 euros will be used in order to cover general business purposes and needs. Furthermore, the General Assembly approved the Board of Directors' actions and granted its authorisation in order to negotiate, determine and decide the rest of the terms and agreements of the Issuance Plan of the aforementioned Bond Loan and its collaterals, in time decided by the BoD taking into account the existing coincidences.
For any further information or clarification, the shareholders may communicate with the Investors Relations Department, during working hours (210 – 6862454).