Cooperation preagreement leading to the establishment of an integrated network of POS terminals.
Alpha Bank and EFG Eurobank Ergasias, two of the largest card issuers and acquirers in the Greek market, announce the signing of a cooperation preagreement leading to the establishment of a big modern integrated network of POS terminals.
The new single network will support transactions with VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS and EUROLINE cards, have country-wide coverage and incorporate up-to-date technological standards.
The new network will eliminate operational duplication and permit the extension of acquiring services to a wider number of merchants using an electronic platform of superior speed and security.
The new integrated network will:
- improve acquiring services to the benefit of both merchants and card holders, and
- result in cost savings from the introduction of technologically advanced security and support functions as well as from the consolidation of transaction processing costs.