Composition of the Board of Directors

Α) Τhe Board of Directors of Attica Bank S.A. that was elected at the Ordinary General Meetings of the Bank's shareholders held on July 26th 2006 met on the same date in the following composition:
Τryfon Kollintzas: Chairman of the BoD and Chief Executive Officer, executive member
Dimitrios Bouziakas: Vice-Chairman, non-executive member
Ιοulia Armagou: Independent non-executive member
Αvgoustinos Bintzileos: Non-executive member
Stelios Diamantidis: Non-executive member
Dimitrios Dounoukos: Non-executive member
Αntonis Kaminaris: Non-executive member
Κallergos Simantirakis: Non-executive member
Αthanasios Tzakopoulos: Non-executive member
Panagiotis Tsoupidis: Non- executive member
Ιoannis Fourkas: Non executive member

The single signature of the Bank's Chairman of the BoD and CEO, Mr. Tryfon Kollintzas, under the Bank's company name is meant to represent and engage the Bank in all legally binding acts.
The Board of Directors was elected to serve a 3-year term.
Β) During the same meeting, the Board of Directors also elected the members of the Bank?s Audit Committee, namely, Mr. Antonis Kaminaris (Chairman), Mrs. Ioulia Armagou (member), and Mr. Dimitrios Bouziakas (member).