Completion of taxation audit of subsidiary companies

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9d of article 275 of the Regulation of the Athens Exchange, Attica Holdings S.A. informs that:
a) The taxation audit by the tax authorities for the unaudited years of Blue Star Group of Companies has been completed up to and including 2004, except for Blue Star Ferries S.A. which has been audited up to and including 2005. Total taxes charged amount to Euro 233,981.80. Blue Star Group of Companies had made a provision for unaudited fiscal years of Euro 151,150 and therefore the additional amount of Euro 82,831.80 will be posted in the results of the second quarter of 2006.
b) The taxation audit of 100% subsidiary Attica Premium S.A. for fiscal years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 has been completed. Total taxes charged amount to Euro 68,549. This amount will be posted in 2006 second quarter results.