Completion of Certification for the New Remote Identification Digital Service of the Athens Stock Exchange

26 July 2022
Completion of Certification for the New Remote Identification Digital Service of the Athens Stock Exchange 

Individuals can now remotely verify their identity for the issuance of a digital signature through the new innovative digital service of the Athens Stock Exchange, which is officially recognized as a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP). This service complies with Ministerial Decision 27499 EX 2021 - Government Gazette 3682/B/10-8-2021 and was developed in collaboration with Intellisolutions. It offers two alternative identification methods, as stipulated by the aforementioned decision.

Specifically, the new service enables remote identification via video conferencing (video with operator), where both the individual being verified and the verifier communicate in real time through audio-visual interaction. This method also supports the exchange of files, documents, and messages using advanced software.

Alternatively, the service is available through an automated video call (dynamic selfie), where the individual’s identifying information is collected by an automated system without the immediate presence of a verifier. The verification process is completed asynchronously at a later stage (asynchronous video with final human decision).

This new service represents another advanced digital tool developed by the Athens Stock Exchange and is expected to significantly facilitate the automation of market services, further advancing the Digital Transition and Digital Transformation strategy.