AS Company S.A. presented to the Association of Greek Institutional Investors, its corporate profile, which included its overall business plan and goals set for the following years to come.

AS Company S.A. presentedto the Association of Greek Institutional Investors, its corporate profile, which included its overall business plan and goals set for the following years to come.

During 2004, the company's main is to increase its sales revenue by more than 10%, while slightly increasing earnings before taxes as compared to the previous fiscal year. Earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation (EBITDA) are projected to amount to 2.5 mill. Euro, an overall increase of 17% compared to FY 2003.

The company's Management Team also announced its expansion into the child related services sector with its first pilot Fun Park in Thessaloniki, Spring 2005. This investment, which is in its final implementation stage, will amount to 1.7 mill. Euro, entail 3.600m2, and will be situated in a privately owned location. Expected financial results for this new venture are deemed to be higher than those of AS Company's current business activity. AS Company, during 2006, intends to open and operate other Fun Parks nationally.

During 2003, AS Company managed to achieve the highest profitability levels in its sector, outmatching its two multinational competitors. In 2004, AS Company hopes to change its No 3 status to No 2 in total sales, and always maintain it No 1 status nationally.

In 2005, AS Company expects an increase in international exports due to a pan European contract signed with Warner Bros. For 2004 international exports are expected to amount to over 3.2% of sales compared to that of 1.93% in 2003.