Company comments on First Quarterof 2012 financial results
Press Release
FLEXOPACK PLASTICS A.E.B.E. - Performance and Results of the first Quarter of 2012
The financial performance and results of both the Company and the Group during the first Quarter of 2012, compared at the same time with the respective period of the previous fiscal year (First Quarter of 2011) are summarised as follows:
a) The consolidated Group turnover amounted to 12,877 million Euros, as compared to 11,934 million Euros and the Company‘s turnover to 12,885 million Euros, as compared to 11,917 million Euros, posting a percentage increase of 7,90% and 8,12% respectively.
b) The Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) amounted at Group level to 1,924 million Euros as compared to 2,013 million Euros and at Company level to 1,948 million Euros as compared to 2,021 million Euros, decreased by 4,42% and 3,61% respectively.
c) The Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) amounted for the Group to 1,103 million Euros, as compared to 1,273 million Euros and for the Company to 1,182 million Euros as compared to 1,305 million Euros, decreased by 13,35% and 9,43% respectively.
d) The Earnings After Taxes (EAT) amounted for the Group to 0,862 million Euros as compared to 1,022 million Euros and for the Company to 0,949 million Euros as compared to 1,053 million Euros, posting a decrease by 15,65% and 9,87% respectively.
e) Finally the Earnings After Taxes And Minority Interest (EATAM) amounted to 0,871 million Euros as compared to 1,026 million Euros of the respective period of 2011,, i.e. they were decreased by a percentage of 15,11%.
f) The exports of the Company amounted to a percentage of 76,25% of the Company s turnover.