Commencement of trading of shares from the share capital increase due to the exercise of stock option rights
The full payment of the above share capital increase has been certified by the relevant decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of December 2, 2004, following the aforementioned decisions of the Annual Meetings of Shareholders, copied in to the Ministry of Development and subsequently registered in the Company Register (M.A.E) with decision number Κ2-14904.
The Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange, in its meeting on 16/12/2004, approved the trading of the 102.445 new shares of Alpha Bank A.E. The 102.445 new shares will be credited to the accounts of the entitled shareholders in the Greek dematerialized securities system on 22/12/2004, and, on the same day, will be available for trading in the Athens Exchange. Alpha Bank?s share price will be adjusted accordingly on the same date, as determined by decision 37 of the Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange.