Commencement of trading of 251,835,900 bonds of Tranche A of the Convertible Bond Loan (CBL) issued on 13.06.2014

MARFIN INVESTMENT GROUP HOLDINGS S.A. (“MIG”) hereby announces that on Friday 29 August 2014 trading on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX) will commence for the 251,835,900 bonds of Tranche A of the Convertible Bond Loan (CBL) issued by the Company, pursuant to the decisions of the General Meetings of Shareholders on 15.06.2011 and 24.10.2011 and the decisions of the Board of Directors on 01.11.2011, 05.02.2013, 21.03.2013, 29.07.2013, 21.11.2013, 10.06.2014 and 13.06.2014, for which Piraeus Bank subscribed and paid the relevant consideration.

On 27.08.2014 the competent body of Hellenic Exchanges – Athens Stock Exchange S.A. approved the admission to trading on ATHEX of the 251,835,900 new bonds.

The new bonds issued on 13.06.2014 shall be credited on the date of commencement of trading in the securities and investors accounts of the beneficiaries in the Dematerialised Securities System.

For more information, shareholders / investors are kindly requested to contact at tel. (+30) 210 3335039 / (+30) 210 6160434 during business days and hours.