Changes to the composition of the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 and FTSE/ASE Small Cap indices,

Due to the merger of Intracom S.A. with Intrasoft S.A. and consequently the cessation of trading of the shares of Intrasoft S.A. as of January 7, 2002, the following changes will take place. Intrasoft will be replaced in the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 index by Alpha Leasing S.A. (CR). This share is the next-highest ranked according to the relevant criteria, on January 3, 2002, according to point 7.2.2 of the Ground Rules for the Management and Calculation of the FTSE/ASE Mid 20, Mid 40 and Small Cap indices.

The next-highest ranked share, due the resulting gap in the composition of the FTSE/ASE Small Cap index, according to the relevant criteria on 3 January 2002, is the share of Elektra Importing S.A. (CB).

The shares of Alpha Leasing S.A. will participate in the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 from January 7, 2002, with a weighting of 40%. At the same time, the shares of Elektra Importing S.A. will participate in the FTSE/ASE Small Cap from January 7, 2002 with a weighting of 30%.

In summary, the following changes to the composition of indices will take place as a result of the merger of the Intracom S.A. and Intrasoft S.A.:

New entrants into the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 and Small Cap indices

Share Current no. of shares Weighting Index
Alpha Leasing S.A 37,700,000 40.00% FTSE/ASE Mid 40

Elektra Importing S.A. 18,585,600 30.00% FTSE/ASE Small Cap

Shares which will be replaced in the FTSE/ASE Mid 40
Intrasoft S.A. (CR), due to the full conversion of the shares to shares of INTRACOM S.A. (CR)

Shares which will be replaced in the FTSE/ASE Small Cap
Alpha Leasing S.A. (CR) due to the company's promotion to the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 index.