Change of the percentage of participation to the share capital of the company

Please find below information received by the company TALANTON INVESTMENTS INCORPORATION, according to P.D. 51/1992, concerning the purchase of shares of company LAMPSA HELLENIC HOTELS S.A. and change of the percentage of participation to the share capital of the company.
Percentage before change: 4,58%.
Percentage after change: 4,81%.
Number of shares before change: 977.521.
Number of shares after change: 1.027.521.
Date of the change of percentage of the shareholder: 18/09/2006.
Date that the company was informed about the change of percentage of the shareholder: 19/09/2006.
Date of submission of the announcement by the company to Athens Stock Market for the change of percentage of the shareholder: 19/09/2006.
The company TALANTON INVESTMENTS INCORPORATION belongs to mr VASILIOS THEOHARAKIS, whose total percentage of shares of LAMPSA HELLENIC HOTELS S.A. reached now the percentage of 10,20% compared to previous 9,97% before the change. This percentage includes:
a) Shares owned by him personally: 0,40%.
b) Shares owned by companies belonging to him: TALANTON INVESTMENTS INCORPORATION 4,81% & MEGABRIT LTD 4,99%.