Change in ATHEX Indices due to classification of shares in 'under supervision' status.

Due to the transfer of the shares of the companies KEKROPS S.A., LOGIC DATA INFORMATION SYSTEMS S.A., THEMELIODOMI S.A. & SPACE HELLAS S.A. to "under supervision" trading status (Market C) and according to regulation 33 (5.11.1999) of the ATHEX BoD, the specific shares are erased from the index they participate.

Specifically, the following changes will take place: KEKROPS S.A. (CR) will be erased from the Real Estate Price Index, LOGIC DATA INFORMATINO SYSTEMS S.A. (CR) will be erased from the ATHEX Composite Price Index, ATHEX Total Return General Index, Information Technology Price Index, SPACE HELLAS S.A. (CR) will be erased from the ATHEX Parallel Market Price Index, ATHEX Parallel Total Return Index, Information Technology Price Index and THEMELIODOMI S.A. (CR) will be erased from the ATHEX Composite, ATHEX Total Return General Index, Construction Price Index. The above changes are valid as of 7.3.2003.

There will be no instant substitution of these shares in the above indices.