The Chairman of the Athens Exchange on a live Bloomberg broadcast

On the occasion of the 2nd Annual Road Show, which ATHEX organized in cooperation with Bloomberg, Mr. Spyros Capralos, Chairman of ATHEX, gave an interview this morning, that was broadcasted live by Bloomberg T.V.
During the interview, Mr.Capralos underlined the success of this year's conference and made reference to the fact that in the aforementioned Roadshow, 38 Greek listed companies participated, which met with more than 160 foreign asset managers coming from 11 countries.
In a question regarding the recent Review of the FTSE Group and the possibility to demote the Greek market from advanced to developing status, Mr.Capralos replied that there is no significant issue, given that, with the incorporation of the MiFid Directive in Greek legislation as from 1/11/2007, most of the criteria to which FTSE Group refers to will be satisfied.
Next, Mr.Capralos spoke extensively about foreign investors interest in the Greek Stock Exchange as well as about the fact that a big part of the daily trades in ATHEX is carried out by foreign institutional investors, who hold 52% of the capitalization of the Greek Market.
Finally, Bloomberg journalist, Nina de Roy, asked Mr.Capralos on the issue concerning a possible cooperation of the Greek Stock Exchange with other foreign stock exchanges. The ATHEX Chairman did not exclude any possibility and stressed that the Greek Stock Exchange would advance in a collaboration provided that this would be beneficial for both HELEX shareholders and the Greek Capital Market in general.