BLUE STAR 1 to replace SUPERFAST X on the Scotland-Belgium route

Attica Group is pleased to announce the deployment of Blue Star 1 of its subsidiary Blue Star Ferries in the Scotland-Belgium service as of the end of January 2007. Blue Star 1 will replace Superfast X which was sold earlier this year and will be delivered to her new owners in February 2007. Blue Star 1 which belongs to Attica''s subsidiary Blue Star Ferries, was built in year 2000 and in her new service will have the capacity to carry 830 passengers, 120 private cars and 100 large freight units. With a service speed of 28.0 knots, Blue Star 1 will operate in a code share service with Superfast Ferries and will maintain the schedule of Superfast X on the route. First class facilities and services on board include shops, two restaurants, four bars, children''s playroom, conference rooms, discotheque, cinema and a passenger escalator.
The Group''''s Greece - Italy routes in the Adriatic Sea will be served by six vessels namely, Superfast V, Superfast VI, Superfast XI, Superfast XII, Blue Horizon and the RoRo Marin.