ATHEX Ordinary Semi-Annual Index Review

On its session today, the FTSE/ASE Indices Committee approved the following changes regarding the composition of the ATHEX indices, following the application of the ''Ground Rules for the Management and Operation of Indices''. It is reminded that the ranking for Composite Indices arises from the average of each share''s ranking order of each share, the historic trading transaction of shares not including share blocks for the semester from 1/10-31/3 and the average market capitalization in the same period. These changes will be effected right after the closing of the trading session on May 30, 2003, i.e. on June 2, 2003.

Also, the new high velocity index is introduced. The date May 30, 2003 is set as the index base date and 1000 units as the starting price.

Moreover, on the web page of the Athens Exchange, i.e.
( one may find an updated version of the ''Ground Rules for the Management and Calculation of the Price Indices of the Shares Market'' as these were amended according to the last decision of the ATHEX Board of Directors.

Note: In accordance with the decision taken by the ATHEX Board of Directors on 5/5/2003, the shares bearing an asterisk(*) as of June 2, 2003 will be traded on the continuous three- hour trading session. Consequently, in accordance with the relevant announcement on 17/4/2003, such shares are not eligible to participate in the Composite Market Index& the Sector Indices.