Athens and Shanghai Exchanges Commit to foster a mutually beneficial relationship

Athens, 26th October 2015



Athens and Shanghai Exchanges Commit to foster a mutually beneficial relationship

October 23, 2015, Athens. The Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Friday in which they committed to facilitate the development of channels of communication and to foster a continuing relationship.
This MOU, which was signed by Mr. Socrates Lazaridis, CEO of the Athens Exchange Group, and Mr. Que Bo, Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, at a ceremony in Athens on October 23, 2015 marked the first formal engagement between the two exchanges.  During the ceremony, Mr. Que Bo also rang the opening bell of the Athens Exchange. 
Mr. Que stated during the event: "Athens Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange have enjoyed excellent relationship. We hope with the MOU we sign today, two exchanges can strengthen communication, share experience and lay a solid foundation for future cooperation." Adding to the sentiments of Mr. Que, Mr. Lazaridis remarked: "We are really pleased to sign this MOU today, and initiate the cooperation with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In a period that capital markets rapidly move towards globalization, co-operation between Exchanges paves the way for the enhancement of their capacity.  This agreement is giving an excellent prospect to both exchanges to explore opportunities for joint projects on topics of mutual interest."
With this MoU, the two exchanges agree to explore cooperation possibility in respect of various fields, such as the development of Investment Fund products equity trading and surveillance platforms, debt securities products, as well as the exchange of information regarding their markets and their trading and clearing systems
About Athens Exchange Group
Athens Exchange Group supports the operation of the Greek capital market. The parent company, Hellenic Exchanges ? Athens Stock Exchange and its 100% subsidiaries ATHEXClear and ATHEX CSD operate the organized cash and derivatives markets, carry out trade clearing, settlement and registration of securities, provide comprehensive IT solutions to the Greek capital market, and promote the development of capital markets culture in Greece.
In a period that the role of stock markets in exploring alternative ways of financing business, at a European level, is significantly enhanced, the Athens Exchange Group has taken a series of initiatives to highlight the attractiveness of the Greek Capital Market and the Greek companies to the international investment community and expand the variety of investment opportunities by developing a secure, stable and accessible market environment. The reliability in operation, the transparency, the trust in relationships, the corporate governance know how and the harmonization with international standards are the prerequisites of the competitive Greek capital market.
About Shanghai Stock Exchange 
The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) was founded on Nov. 26th, 1990 and in operation on Dec.19th the same year. It is a membership institution directly governed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). The SSE bases its development on the principle of "legislation, supervision, self-regulation and standardization" to create a transparent, open, safe and efficient marketplace. The SSE endeavors to realize a variety of functions: providing marketplace and facilities for the securities trading; formulating business rules; accepting and arranging listings; organizing and monitoring securities trading; regulating members and listed companies; managing and disseminating market information.
Entering the new century, SSE is faced with great opportunities as well as challenges to further boost the market construction and regulation. Combining the cutting-edge hardware facilities, favorable policy conditions in Pudong, exemplary role of Shanghai economy, SSE is fully committed to the goal of State-owned industrial enterprises reform and developing Shanghai into an international financial center with great confidence.
Que Bo Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Stock ExchangeSocrates LazaridisCEO of the Athens Exchange Group 
From left:Konstantinos Botopoulos, President of Hellenic Capital Market, Que Bo Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Stock ExchangeSocrates LazaridisCEO of the Athens Exchange GroupNikos Porfiris, Deputy Chief Operating Officer of the Athens Exchange Group