
According to article 5 par. 2 (c) of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission?s Board of Directors? Resolution numbered 5/204/14.11.2000 as it stands, article 16 par. 6 of Company Law 2190/1920 and article 290 of the Athens Exchange Regulation, MARFIN FINANCIAL GROUP HOLDINGS S.A. announces that based on the resolution made during the Company?s Annual General Shareholder Meeting, held on 13.4.2006, regarding the acquisition of treasury shares, through the Stock Exchange, up to 10% of the Company?s total number of shares outstanding, that is, up to 5.099.200 treasury shares with the aim of supporting the share?s price in situations where the share price is significantly lower than the price corresponding to the market and the Company?s financial status and outlook. The lowest price for the acquisition of treasury shares was set to (16) sixteen Euros per share and the highest price was set to (50) fifty per share. The period during which the Company can proceed to the aforementioned transaction was set to twelve months from the date of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting during which the decision in question was made. During the acquisition of treasury shares, the terms set by the European Commission?s Regulation 2273/2003 will be followed.