Annual General Shareholders' Meeting Decisions
We inform you that ALUMIL's Annual General Shareholders? Meeting (GSM) was accomplished today, on the 28/5/2004, in Kilkis Industrial Area. The following decisions were unanimously voted with a 78.9% of the controlled Share Capital:
- The financial statements of the parent company and the consolidated statements for 2003 were approved.
- Board of Directors (BoD) and Certified Auditor Accountants were relieved from any indemnity and compensation due to probable misconducts during economic year 2003. BoD rewards were approved (the same amount for the last three years), totaling to euro 200.000 and the 2004 rewards were pre-approved for the same amount.
- Article 2 of the Company Charter was modified to provide parent company Alumil the authorization to guarantee collaterals for subsidiaries.
- Dividend payout was decided to be ? 0,06 per share, that is, 20% increase compared to 2002 dividend. Ex-dividend day shall be on Friday 11/6/2004. From Monday 14/6/2004, Alumil share will be trading without the 2003 dividend. Dividend payout and further details shall be announced through press the forthcoming days.
- Statutory and substitute Certified Auditor Accountants was elected for 2003 Ernst & Young Hellas Certified Auditors Accountants S.A.
ALUMIL S.A. is listed among the top European aluminium extrusion and profiles production group (No 1 in Greece since 2000) creating production sites, large sales networks and warehouses for products targeting architectural & industrial use, shipbuilding, transportation, etc. With 27 subsidiaries, 21 of which are spread throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, it offers production sites in five Hellenic industrial areas, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Albania. ALUMIL has successfully infiltrated into 45 markets in Europe, the Balkans, the M. East and the U.S.A. A significant competitive advantage remains its widespread sales network in every client-country and in Greece as well. Parent company was founded in 1988 and since 1998 is listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Included four times in GrowthPlus? Europe?s 500, ALUMIL's Group sales exceeded euro 135 m in 2002, while net profits (before taxes and minority interests) exceeded euro 12 m.
More Information Alumil:
Mr. Apostolos Papadopoulos-Almeida,
+30 2310 555405,