Annual General Assembly Meeting

During the Annual General Assembly Meeting of ?Frigoglass Commercial Refrigerators S.A.I.C.?, which took place today, Friday, May 31, 2002 at 11:00 a.m., at Maroussi, Athens where the company is based, as regards to the subjects of the agenda have been decided and approved the following:

1) Τhe reports of the Board of Directors as well as the report of the certified auditor on the financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2001 have been submitted and read.

2) The annual financial statements and the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2001 (Balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of appropriation of profits and the notes to the financial statements) have been submitted and approved.

3) The members of the Board of Directors and the auditors have been released from any responsibility for their acts during the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2001.

4) Shareholders have been informed that the members of the Board of Directors received no payment for their participation in the meetings of the Board during the year 2001. Fees for services rendered by the members of the Board of Directors to the Company during the year 2001 amounting in total to 250 million Drs or 733.675,7 euro, were approved. Fees for services to be rendered by the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2002, amounting in total to 250 million Drs or 733.675,7 euro, were approved.

5) PriceWaterHouse Coopers has been elected as the company of certified auditors for the audit of the year 2002.

6) Dividend of 0,06 euro per share has been approved. Entitled to dividends collection are all company's shareholders owning shares after the end of the Athens Stock Exchange meeting on May 31, 2002. Beginning Monday, 3 June 2002, Frigoglass share will be negotiated in the Athens Stock Exchange without dividend right on the year 2001. Payment of dividends will commence on Wednesday, 20 Ιουνίου 2002.

7) The extension of the object of the company by amending article 2 of the company's Articles of Association has been approved, to include the rendering of administrative and any other services to all affiliated companies.

8) The period of buy-back scheme of company's own shares was decided to be extended up to December 6, 2002, under the same conditions as of the last Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on December 7, 2001.