Announcement for the trading of shares from share capital increase
FORTHNET S.A. (the "Company") announces that the trading on the Athens Stock Exchange of its 97,144,575 new common registered shares, each having a nominal value of 0.30 euro issued pursuant to its share capital increase made through payment of cash in favor of its existing shareholders as resolved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of its shareholders held on 23/08/2012, as well as by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meetings dated 21/08/2013 and 23/11/2013, will commence on Thursday, 16/01/2014.
On 14/01/2014, the Committee of the Hellenic Exchanges -Athens Stock Exchange approved the listing and admission to trading of the above 97,144,575 new shares.
The Company's new shares will be debited to the investor accounts and securities accounts of its shareholders held with the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) at the trading commencement date.
For more information, the Company's shareholders may contact the Company's IR department (Manis str., Kantza, P.C. 15351, Pallini Attica, Mr George Dermitzakis, tel +30 211 9552865 and 211 9552869) during working days and hours.