Announcement of sale of dividend
The company PHILIPPOS NAKAS S.A. MUSIC HOUSE, as per article 279 of the A.S.E Regulation and its General Assembly resolution on 02.11.2006, announces the payment of 0,14 Euros per share as dividend for the fiscal year 01.07.2005-30.06.2006. Beneficiaries of the dividend for the fiscal year 01.07.2005-30.06.2006 are the shareholders who own company''s shares at the closing of A.S.E. trading session on 10th of November 2006, according to the clearance of the Central Depository. Since, Monday November 13th 2006 the company''s shares will be traded without the right of dividend''s collection for the fiscal year 01.07.2005-30.06.2006. According to article 329 of the A.S.E. Regulation and after the resolution of the company''s B.o.D. on 06.11.2006, we announce to our company''s shareholders that the payment of the dividend will be effected through the National Bank of Greece from 21st of November 2006 until the 20th of November 2007. During this period the shareholders will be able to collect their dividend through their authorized operators (Brokerage Companies, Banks) who will contact the paying bank "THE NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE" (Depository dept., 6 Karageorgi Servias str., Athens, 210 3340611 & 210 3340613, Mr. Ioannis Xidis or Mr. Elias Dimitriou). The shareholders (who have not given or have recalled their authorization to their operators for the collection of dividends) are also able to collect their dividend personally through the National Bank of Greece network, presenting their I.D. card with their C.N.I.S. (Code Number of Investor Share in D.D.S) or a printout from the D.D.S. Alternatively, the shareholders can also collect their dividend through legally authorized representatives (presenting the respective authorization form officially validated and stamped by a State Authority regarding the originality of the signature). After the 20th of November 2007 the payment of the dividends will be possible only at the company''s headquarters (19th km. Leof. Lavriou, 190 02 Peania, Attiki, tel.: 210 6686101 Investors Relations dept.). Dividends that remain uncollected within a period of five (5) years, become unvalid for the owner, in favour of the Greek State.