Announcement of regulated information according to Law 3556/2007 - 11 Nov 2008
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Announcement of regulated information according to Law 3556/2007
11 November 2008 - Hellenic Exchanges S.A. announces, pursuant to Law 3556/2007 (articles 3 and 21) and in conjunction with article 11 of resolution 1/434/03.07.2007 of the Capital Market Commission, that EFG Eurobank Securities notified it:1. on 07.11.2008 that it sold on 06.11.2008 900 HELEX common registered shares with a total value of €6,614.00
2. on 10.11.2008 that it purchased on 07.11.2008 18,800 HELEX common registered shares with a total value of €135,402.26
3. on 11.11.2008 that it purchased on 10.11.2008 5,500 HELEX common registered shares with a total value of €40,240.00
4. on 11.11.2008 that it sold on 10.11.2008 12,300 HELEX common registered shares with a total value of €90,588.00
All the above transactions were made for the derivatives market making account.