Announcement regarding business developments

The PPA S.A., after the co-signing by the Managing Directors of PCT and the PPA, of the Draft Agreement for the Second Amendment to the Concession Agreement PPA – PCT, sent the text to:

(a) The Court of Auditors for pre-contractual control, according to the law and the agreement and

(b) The Competition Committee (DG Comp) of the European Commission for notification.

Already PPA staffers are going, after an invitation, to Brussels on Wednesday December 11, 2013, to comment on points and questions likely to be raised concerning competition and state aid.

After the approval or expression of observations of the Court and the expression of views of DG Comp, the Board of PPA SA will convene an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in order to decide on the final text of this business deal. Subsequently, the PPA S.A. will send the final document to the Ministry of Marine and the Aegean, to be introduced in the Greek Parliament for final approval and adoption.

The above procedures, under the principle of full transparency, are worded conditions of the text of the Second Amendment and will be followed faithfully.