Announcement of the President of Intracom S.A.
During one whole year after the lawsuit, an investigation was effected and completed, where all witnesses were examined and all documents of the voluminous legal papers were investigated. The responsible special investigator concluded that the alleged accusations were without merit.
Today, after a year and a half, and while the Court of Appeals District Attorney's proposal towards the pertinent judicial council is expected, and before his conclusion, suddenly, the District Attorney of the Arios Pagos Court, Mr. Kroustalakis intervenes and "transforms" this case into "a matter of general interest which agitates the public opinion" and respectively requires convergence of the Court of Appeals Plenum, for the continuance of the - already concluded - investigation by the special investigator of the Court of Appeals.
There is no doubt that the recent deposition of an entirely baseless accusation, from the inoperative Russian Governmental Organization with Greek representatives and "third interested parties", was made to underlie the reason for Mr. Krousalakis' intervention a few days before his departure from the judicial body. Even when the pleadings, not only those included in this accusation, have been discarded by legal resolutions in Switzerland, but also when all replies have been given to pertinent Greek judicial officers, including Mr. Kroustalakis. A year and a half after the completion of the investigation with the investigator's release, it is clear that nothing new has been contributed to suddenly raise the "significance" of this case, neither to justify an extension of this pendency, as it has great personal and business cost for me.
The only people who feel satisfied with Mr. Kroustalakis' action are the known "slanderers", politicians and business opponents, who with pleasure pursued -even after the publication of the original investigator's findings- the sustenance of this unjust and disparagingly personal judicial pendency. Nevertheless, I believe there is unbiased justice in our country, which will decide upon these recent actions.