Announcement - Notification of important changes concerning voting rights under L. 3864/2010


Thursday, March 19, 2015





Notification of important changes concerning voting rights under L. 3864/2010


Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (hereafter “Eurobank”) announces, pursuant to article 7a (par.6 c) of Law 3864/2010, as in force, based on the information received on March 17, 2015, from the company “The Capital Group Companies, Inc.” (hereafter “Capital”), that on March 16, 2015, a reduction occurred in the percentage of Eurobank's voting rights held indirectly by Capital, as compared to its latest relevant notification, greater that 3% of the total number of Eurobank's voting rights, excluding those held by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (hereafter “HFSF”), and Capital's percentage of voting rights amounted to 11.525%.


The above percentage relates to 1,094,820,982 (11.525%) voting rights of “Capital Research and Management Company”*, a company controlled by Capital, excluding those held by the HFSF.  





* CRMC manages equity assets for various investment companies.