Announcement of Extra ordinary General Assemly

The company announces that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29, 2014, at the headquarters of the company (Lykovryseos 7 Transformation Attica, 144 52) at 12:00 present or represented shareholders hold 20,095,347 shares in total shares 28,580,100, which equates to 70.31% of the share capital and taken the following decisions unanimously.

Item 1: Approval to amend the new composition of the Board of Directors. More specifically, the General Assembly approved replacement after the resignation of Ms.. Kitsiou Cleopatra by Mr. Katsikakit Peristeri, Financial Director of  the company as non-executive director until the end of his term (2019)

Item 2: Approval of Purchase of Own Shares by the Company ,accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 16 of Law 2190/20 with the following specific terms and conditions:
• Duration for which the authorization: 12 months
• Maximum share price which may be the acquisition: € 6,00
• Threshold share price which may be the acquisition: € 0,40
• Maximum number of shares to be acquired: Up to 1/10 of the share capital (the total number of shares).

All matters not specifically defined in the General Assembly (including, without limitation, the identification process and mode of acquisition of own shares, timing and method for reallocating equity shares to the shareholders of the Company, etc.) will be determined by decisions of the Board of Directors of the Company while observing in each case to the provisions of the relevant legislation.