Announcement of corrections on the financial statements and the data and information report of GEK S.A.. dated 16/01/07
We announce the following corrections on the interim financial statements and the data and the information report of GEK S.A., which have been approved by the resolution 751/16-01-07 of the Company''s Board of Directors. A) In the paragraph 4.B.6 of the interim financial notes of GEK S.A. dated 30/09/06 a text is appended, following the indicated table, as follows : "The above construction joint ventures, in which the Company participates, have already completed the projects for which they have been set up, the guarantee period has already expired, the ventures'' relations with third parties are settled and their dissolution is impending. "
2) Paragraph 8 of the interim financial statements of GEK S.A. dated 30/09/06 is replaced as follows: " 8. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES The transactions of the Company and the Group with related parties for the period 01/01-30/09/2006 and the balances of receivables and liabilities that have emerged from such transactions as at 30/09/2006 have as follows:
Α) Company: (table)
Β) Group: (table)
3) In the column of consolidated data for the comparative period 1/7- 30/09/05 of the income of the "Data and Information report for the period 1/1 - 30/09/06" amounts have been corrected for a) profit before tax, financial and investment results and depreciation and b) depreciation to euro 8.098 thousand and euro 2.737 thousand, respectively, instead of the initially published euro 8.692 thousand and euro 3.331 thousand.
4) In the section "Additional elements and information" of the statement "Data and Information report for the period 1/1 - 30/09/06" a list of not consolidated joint- ventures has been appended.
5) In the column of the consolidated data for the period 1/7- 30/09/05 of the income statement of the "Data and information report for the period 1/1 - 30/09/05" amounts have been corrected for a) profit before tax, financial and investment results and depreciation and b) depreciation to euro 8.098 thousand and euro 2.737 thousand, respectively, instead of the initially published euro 8.692 thousand and euro 3.331 thousand.
6) In the column of the consolidated data for the period 1/7- 30/09/05 of the cash flows statement of the interim financial statements dated 30/09/05 amounts have been corrected for a) income before tax and b) depreciation to euro 4.495 thousand και euro 2.737 thousand, respectively, instead of the initially published euro 3.902 thousand και euro 3.331 thousand.