
The company "HALCOR SOCIETE ANONYME METAL WORKS" with the d.t. "HALCOR S.A." announces that on 30/6/2006 it was registered in the Registry of Societe Anonyme Companies the decision No K2-9666 of the Minister of Development, which approved the merger under absorption of the company "FITCO METAL PROCESSING INDUSTRY S.A." by the company "HALCOR SOCIETE ANONYME METAL WORKS". Also, on 30/06/2006 it was registered in the Registry of Societe Anonyme Companies the announcement No. Κ2-9930 of the General Secretary of Commerce / General Department of Internal Commerce / Department of S.A. & Commerce of the Ministry of Development, under which, and following the aforementioned approval for the merger, the company is erased from the Registry of Societe Anonyme Companies. Following the above, from 3/7/2006 the trading of shares of the absorbed listed on Athens Exchange company "FITCO METAL PROCESSING INDUSTRY S.A." ceases. It is noted that the exchange ratio for the shareholders of the merged companies is as follows:
Ι. Every shareholder of the absorbed company FITCO (excluding the absorbing company) would exchange 1 common registered share with a nominal value of 1.11 euro with 0.78084608539 newly issued common bearer and voting shares of the absorbed HALCOR, with a new nominal value of 0.38 euro each, or the shareholders of the absorbed company FITCO would receive in total, after the rounding, 4,015,248 common bearer and voting shares of the absorber company HALCOR [(10,350,000 - 5,207,824 =) 5,142,176 Χ 0.78084608539 = 4,015,248 shares].
ΙΙ. Every shareholder of the absorbing company HALCOR holding common bearer and voting shares would exchange 1 common bearer and voting share with a nominal value of 0.33 euro, with 1 common bearer and voting share of the absorbed company HALCOR with a new nominal value of 0.38 euro each, or in other words the shareholders of the absorbed company HALCOR would receive in total 96,981,079 shares, [(96,981,079 Χ 1) = 96,981,079 shares]. Following the merger, the share capital of "HALCOR SOCIETE ANONYME METAL WORKS" amounts to 38,378,604.26 euro, divided in 100,996,327 bearer shares with a nominal value of 0.38 each. The Company will announce the date at which the new shares deriving from the merger will be available for trading in the Athens Exchange with a new press release. The Prospectus that was compiled for the merger was notified to the BoD of the Hellenic Capital Market Committee on 29.6.2006 and is available to investors from Friday the 30th of June 2006 from the Athens Exchange and the offices of the Company, 57o km N.R. Athens - Lamia. In addition, the prospectus can be accessed in the website of the Company at the address www.halcor.gr and the website of the Athens Exchange at the address www.ase.gr. For additional information, shareholders may contact the Investor Relations Department of the Company during working days and hours (Mr Ilias Hahamis, tel.22620 48632).