On 30/6/2006 the Annual General Assembly of the Company took place, in which 15 stockholders having the right to vote and holding a total of 55.650.506 stocks participated. Therefore, participation was at 66,262% and the Assembly was at legal quorum. The General Assembly, given the above quorum, unanimously agreed and approved the following:
1. Approved in their entirety the financial reports (Parent & Consolidated) for the year 2005 as they have been published in the press (30/03/2006).
2. Approved the exemption of the BOD and of the Auditor from any responsibility of indemnity for the year 2005.
3. Approved dividend for the year 2005 at the amount of Euro 0,04 per share. Beneficiaries of the dividends are the stockholders of the company after the closing of the Athens Stock Exchange on July 3rd 2006. After Tuesday, July 4th 2006, the Company stocks will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange without the right of receiving dividend for the year 2005. The payment of the dividend will be taking through the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, and will begin on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 until Tuesday, July 11, 2007. According to the new procedure for payment of dividends, as this is stated in article 329 of the Regulations of the Athens Stock Exchange and the article 39 of the Central Security Depository (Kentriko Apothetirio Axion - KAA) Regulations, the payment of the dividends will be carried out according to the following: 1. Through the handlers (Banks, Stock Brokers) of the S.A.T. 2. Through the local branch offices of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE for those Stockholders who have requested the exception from their handlers of the S.A.T. of the above case #1. 3.The Stockholders for whom was not possible to establish credit through their handlers according to case #1, will be able to collect the dividends from July 18, 2006 through the local branch offices of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE. The collection of the dividend for cases 2 & 3, will be done with the announcement of the Code Number Investment Share (K.A.M.E. - S.A.T.) and by also providing your lawful identification card at any branch office of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE. The collection will be done by a legally authorized representative of the stockholder and by providing the power of attorney stating full details of the beneficiary and the empowered representative, authenticated by the legal authorities. All handlers/dealers are kindly requested to contact Mr. Ioanni Xidi, at the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE at the Subdivision of Private Investors and Stock Exchange Custodian, Karegeorgi Servias 6, 3rd floor, Syntagma Square, tel. 210-3340611, or Mr. Elias Dimitriou at tel. 210-3340613. Our Company's Stockholders will be served from all branch offices of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE. For further information or clarifications, they may contact Mr. Ioanni Xidi, at tel. 210-3340611, or Mr. Elias Dimitriou at tel. 210-3340613, as well as our Company?s Office of Investor Relations at 210-6287245 or 210-6862454. From Wednesday, July 11, 2007, the payment of the dividend will be conducted only from our central company offices (Distomou 5-7, Maroussi).
4. Approved the salaries of the BOD members.
5. Approved the travel expenses of the BOD members.
6. Approved the compensation of the Certified Public Accountant for the year 2005.
7. Determined the selection of Mr. Sotiris Sokos, AMSOEL 17011, as the appointed auditor and Mr. Gregory Koutras AMSOEL 13601, as the substitute auditor for the year 2006 of the CPA Firm of ?BKR Protipos Elegtiki AE?.
8. Validated the election of the temporary member of the BOD, Mr. Grigori Skalkea, Professor of the Athens University Medical School.
9. No decision was made regarding subject #10, concerning the extension of the company, due to non gathering at the General Assembly of the mandatory quorum (66,67%). The Company will not proceed with a recurring General Assembly regarding this matter.
10. No decision was made regarding subject #11, concerning the increase of the company?s share capital by Capitalized value by fixed assets and reserves, due to non gathering at the General Assembly of the mandatory quorum (66,67%). The Company will not proceed with a recurring General Assembly regarding this matter.
All of the above decisions have been taken unanimously at the Annual General Assembly of the Company Stockholders. For any additional information or questions, the Stockholders may contact the Office of Investor Relations at the following phone numbers ( και during regular work days and hours.